Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Smart LilyPond context definition

LilyPond makes it easy to define new contexts with special attributes.

\layout {
\context {
\type Engraver_group
\name TwoLineStaff
\alias Staff
\override StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'(-2 2)
\context {
\accepts TwoLineStaff

This layout block defines a special two-line staff.

\new TwoLineStaff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }

Red and blue versions of our special TwoLineStaff are available like this.

\layout {
\context {
\type Engraver_group
\name TwoLineStaff
\alias Staff
\override StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'(-2 2)
\context {
\type Engraver_group
\name RedTwoLineStaff
\alias TwoLineStaff
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override Dots #'color = #red
\context {
\type Engraver_group
\name BlueTwoLineStaff
\alias TwoLineStaff
\override NoteHead #'color = #blue
\override Stem #'color = #blue
\override Dots #'color = #blue
\context {
\accepts RedTwoLineStaff
\accepts BlueTwoLineStaff

RedTwoLineStaff and BlueTwoLineStaff here extend TwoLineStaff in the manner of concrete classes extending an abstract base class.

\new Score <<
\new RedTwoLineStaff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }
\new BlueTwoLineStaff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }

These definitions of RedTwoLineStaff and BlueTwoLineStaff avoid code duplication and let us have both types of staff in a single score. In a later post we'll look at a different way to define red and blue two-line staves for different editions of the same score.

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